
The only ESG assessment platform that can assess a company against recognized regulatory frameworks and standards on a fully automated basis.

Solution Category
Individual Solution Integrations
Cloud Hosted

About this app

The assessment methodology behind the application was developed through a collaborative working group that included over 70 banks from across the globe, and industry and professional bodies including the United Nations’ International Trade Centre, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the International Trade and Forfaiting Association (ITFA) and the Bankers Association for Finance and Trade (BAFT).

The solution has the capability to assess more than 460 million companies across the world. When it was developed it was done so with the intention of having the ability to assess SMEs and Micro-Enterprises who typically do not self-report of publish data relating to sustainability. The application was also developed to ensure it covers developing markets and economies. The result is a capability that can assess any company, of any size, in any part of the world.

The data that is used to conduct the assessment is pulled from enterprise grade data sources – that is, data that banks and large corporations are already comfortable using within their processes and operations. This includes sources like Dun and Bradstreet, Moodys (BVD), S&P, News Agencies, the OECD, the UN, government business registers, NASA and the European Space Agency, World Resource Centre and the European Union.

The app has the capability to assess any company within a matter of only a few seconds. Each assessment is made against recognized regulatory frameworks and standards including the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the EU Taxonomy, the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, SASB and MAS Sustainable Finance Framework. As each assessment uses independently derived data from verified sources, and is mapped against recognized frameworks and standards, the assessment is fair, objective and not affected by mis-reporting or subjective assessment.

Fully automated

Fully automated, which means it is a cost-effective solution for assessing large volumes of companies. As it is mapped against regulatory frameworks on an automated basis it ensures a consistent and objective assessment each time.

Independent data

We use independent data rather than self-reported or self-disclosed data. Data sources are enterprise quality and data is independently verified. This ensures that assessments are accurate and not prone to inconsistencies or subjective human analysis.

Recognized by the ICC

Recognize by the ICC as aligned to its preferred assessment methodology. The assessment methodology is open and transparent, having been developed by banks, for banks through the CoriolisESG Working Group.

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