SavvyMoney is a credit score solution for every online and mobile banking platform, helping people understand or improve their score.
We partner with more than 600 financial institutions to provide free credit scores, reports and daily monitoring to educate and empower users. Through our engaging platform people are able to understand their credit score, review concrete ideas for improving it, and better their financial health. Partners leverage our analytics platform to implement smarter marketing efforts, and help save people money.
SavvyMoney is a FinTech company with an impressive team who is excited for exponential growth alongside our partners in 2021.
Credit Score and Report
SavvyMoney provides end-users with the ability to view their credit scores and educate themselves on aspects of their finances that affect these scores. Financial Institutions can offer products to their users based on their credit scores and insights into competing products. Through the credit score and report tool, the user not only sees their score, but gets guidance in understanding the factors affecting their scores and full credit report. Users are also able to engage with a credit score simulator to see what impact certain actions may have on their score.