Customer story

Beacon Credit Union enhances operational efficiency with Strategic Engagement

Not all institutions have the resources to drive the delivery excellence that’s needed: they may lack the tooling, automation, expertise or simply, time. Finastra’s Strategic Engagement package is designed to ensure banks and credit unions have the proactive support they need to tackle these challenges. It’s a collaborative relationship with a strategic partner that’s focused on helping you achieve your business outcomes and gives you more control over your success.

Beacon Credit Union has been using Mortgagebot since 2015. With the implementation of MortgagebotLOS in 2021, and the final go-live at the beginning of 2022.

Since implementation, as a Loan System Analyst, I have provided support and training to all end users, as well as completed system configuration to best improve our process.

I have been a user of both Standard Support and Strategic Engagement, and there is a significant difference between the two. With Strategic Engagement, I have continual one on one calls with Finastra, which has allowed me to effectively work through any system questions and concerns as they come about, post implementation of LOS. Turnaround time on any cases I submit is significantly faster, and also gives me piece of mind knowing that all my cases are handled by the same individual.

Strategic Engagement is more than a response to a case, it’s understanding our unique process. I would like to thank Karen Hatch, our Strategic Engagement contact as she has help me understand all the capabilities that MortgagebotLOS has to offer.

Lynn Baker
Loan System Analyst, Beacon Credit Union

Find out more about Finastra’s Strategic Engagement.

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