Customer story

Firefighters First Credit Union increases system performance with Strategic Engagement

Not all institutions have the resources to drive the delivery excellence that’s needed: they may lack the tooling, automation, expertise or simply, time. Finastra’s Strategic Engagement package is designed to ensure banks have the proactive support they need to tackle these challenges. It’s a collaborative relationship with a strategic partner that’s focused on helping you achieve your business outcomes and gives you more control over your success.

I’ve been a Mortgagebot user since October 2019. For the past two years in my role, as the RE Lending Department SME, I have had to support production and management users on a daily basis. During this time, I also led configuration initiatives in our efforts to improve our system, as rapidly as possible. In the past two years, I’ve had the opportunity to experience Finastra’s two support models, Standard Support and Strategic Engagement. And let me tell you, there was a marked difference in how many changes and system improvements we were able to get through efficiently and effectively working with Finastra within the Strategic Engagement model. The time we were able to spend with Finastra helped us pinpoint quickly where and how we can improve our systems, impacting member experience and production users positively, as quickly as possible! During the time that we were not under the Strategic Engagement model, a lot of time was spent in research and discovery, impacting our ability to design, configure, and release efficiently. Thank you to Karen Hatch, as she was so diligent in nudging us in this direction and continuing to partner with us through the Strategic Engagement sessions.

Harvey Turell
Firefighters First Credit Union

Find out more about Finastra’s Strategic Engagement.

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