Customer story

ORO Bank reimagines banking with Finastra’s Essence cloud-based core banking solution

About the Company
1st full-reserve digital bank in Asia
Headquarters in Bhutan
Official bank of The
Gelephu Mindfulness City
Supports 6 major reserve currencies
ORO Bank, the first full-reserve bank in Asia, is providing global innovators with seamless digital banking solutions to scale and grow with confidence - in support of the economic development of the Gelephu Mindfulness City in Bhutan.

In this success story, Mike Kayamori, Co-founder & CEO of ORO Bank shares his digital bank’s bold vision to reimagine banking, leveraging the open banking and third-party integration capabilities of Finastra’s Essence cloud-based core, enabling the financial institution to continually innovate and expand its product suite to its global customers.

We were looking for a cloud-based, versatile and scalable core banking solution. Finastra Essence ticked all of these boxes and aligned with our own unique value proposition as a full-reserve bank.

Mike Kayamori
Co-founder & CEO, ORO Bank

Achieved benefits:

  • Open banking and third-party integrations
  • Cloud-based, versatile and scalable
  • Flexible, secure and compliant
  • Easy and timely deployment
  • Collaborative support
  • Supports innovation and growth

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