Driving long-term performance with optimised Balance Sheet Management and Fund Transfer Pricing (FTP)
Listen to compliance, ALM and risk experts who will investigate how FTP and balance sheet optimisation will play a more pivotal role to get the right balance between risk and return.

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Low interest rates, increased competition and stiff new capital requirements have put banks in a difficult position to earn their cost of capital in recent years. In this webinar, compliance, ALM and risk experts will investigate how FTP and balance sheet optimisation will play a more pivotal role to get the right balance between risk and return. IRRBB, LCR and ILAAP together with the wider regulatory environment are pushing the performance of the balance sheet in the centre of attention – even more with the pressures introduced by IRRBB.
- In which way will regulations such as IRRBB and others force a different approach towards FTP and Balance Sheet Management?
- How is FTP currently used in your organisation and has this changed at all in the last 3 years? If so in which direction?
- FTP is more and more used for decision support by the banks different business lines, how far is this realized in your organization, and what would you see as the main benefits?
- Which regulations could you see as a catalyst to turn FTP into a more strategic tool? Can regulations affecting the banking book help start this process?
- How can FTP be used as a profitability management tool to fine-tune an organisations internal funding framework?
- In which other ways can FTP be turned more to your advantage?
Arnaud Picut, Global Head of Risk Practice, Finastra
Tamim Chebti, Senior Expert ALM, ABN AMRO
Paolo Brognara, Senior Managing Director, Finance & Risk Service, Accenture
Abulenta Librazhdi, Finance and Risk Service, Accenture