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La transición hacia ISO 20022: Una nueva perspectiva de pagos para Latinoamérica

La norma internacional de mensajería financiera ISO20022 ha establecido nuevos estándares para la gestión de pagos. La migración hacia soluciones nativas en ISO20022 es una norma que las Instituciones Financieras deben adoptar para mantenerse activas y competitivas. La adopción de esta normatividad es una tendencia a nivel global para la estandarización del procesamiento de pagos, que permitirá a los bancos lograr eficiencias operativas de negocio, y flexibilizar su adopción frente a futuros cambios en un entorno de constante evolución.


Digital transformation in financial services: The time is NOW, the question is HOW?

Barely a day goes by without fresh news about the urgent need for banks and other financial institutions to up their technology game. Whether it’s the threats posed by upstarts, new entrants, neobanks and big tech or the growing demands from customers for the latest whiz-bang experiences, or news about the latest tech meltdown at a large bank.


Navigating today's regulatory landscape: Unleashing operational excellence for financial institutions


Islamic Finance: Future and outlook

In the world in which we operate, not all cores are equal. This is amplified in Islamic Finance: systems built specifically to be Shariah compliant-only often don't have the depth and breadth of capability of a system built for conventional banking. They linger and loiter in the technology shadows as the bright lights focus on "normal" banking pay lip service to the nuances and subtleties that are needed to deliver compliant Islamic banking.


Turbo-charging empowerment - Islamic Finance

Technology is having a huge global impact on FSI development by influencing the behavior and demand of banks’ customers, requiring FIs to innovate in order to deliver new products and services their customers demand and for their business to grow.


Green at heart - Islamic Finance & ESG

There are many parallels between ESG values and those of Islamic finance. Both address social and environmental factors. Sharia compliant finance aligns with the environmental and social aspect of ESG, as both look to avoid financing projects or developments that could be harmful to the environment or the general well-being of people.