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State of the (Credit) Union, Part #2 - Navigating ADA Regulations: Adapting and Maintaining for Compliance Today and Tomorrow

Learn from our expert panel that discusses best practices and how to navigate ambiguous ADA requirements.


The Strategic Treasury - 54% of banks want to transform their treasury system to meet future market demands [Spanish]

While Latin American banks focus on improving the return on capital and on meeting the new regulatory demands, the Treasury operation sits at the center of all banking operations. In this crucial role, the Treasury must take advantage of liquidity, centrally manage resources, control and enhance the balance sheet, and manage risk in order to optimize profitability. Participate with us in a 30-minute panel that will discuss how bank treasurers address these challenges and transition to a more strategic treasury.


Cannabis Banking Compliance, A Guide for FI Management and Boards of Directors

There is a clear national trend indicating that the legalization of both medical and recreational cannabis is on the horizon. Banks and credit unions are positioning themselves to leverage what is estimated to be a $25 billion market once full legalization occurs. Before jumping into cannabis banking, however, FI executive leadership must evaluate the risks. Learn more in this webinar.


How to Stay Updated with Regulations [Spanish]

In the last three years, 84% of the treasurers surveyed have experienced greater responsibility for the regulatory compliance of their organizations. Latin American banks face unprecedented challenges while staying up to date with regulatory demands. Technology promises to help banks adapt to the present and the future; however, there are many factors that should be considered.


Maximizing the Primary Financial Relationship, Strategies for Being Borrowers’ First and Last Stop in the Era of Digital Lending

Digital channels have proven a significant benefit to the financial services industry. However, they have also introduced a new set of risks and competition for community banks and credit unions. Megabanks and alternative lenders dominate the digital scene as consumers increasingly look for ease and convenience.


A World After LIBOR - 6 Operational Implications for Lenders

Join us for our webinar as we focus on some key operational considerations that should be on every bank’s radar as the phase out of LIBOR approaches.