Image of man on phone pointing at monitor displaying various graphs

Kondor offers powerful risk analytics, trade processing, position management, real-time risk coverage and more.

As a best of breed trading system, it enables banks to trade high volumes in treasury while offering the flexibility to support more complex derivatives, options and structured trades.

Benefits for Banks


Increase in treasury transactions


Increase in the number of trades


Faster time to market for new products


Growth in customer-driven transactions

Key features

Powerful risk analytics and position management

Real-time coverage of credit, market and liquidity risk

Full back-office processing

Full support for trade processing, including deal validation, payment settlement and accounting

Extendable and adaptable through access to Finastra’s platform

Meeting financial institutions’ needs for more sophisticated treasury solutions

Image of laptop with cover slide for the Kondor factsheet
Woman pointing up

Lifting the veil on Trading Book Counterparty Credit Risk Measures

Meeting your treasury needs

Say yes to the best of breed trading system