Minimize your organization’s settlement risk
In the FX market, transactions involve daily settlement exposures of billions of dollars across multiple currencies to individual counterparties creating considerable settlement risk.

Mitigate settlement risk
Mitigates settlement risk for multiple FX instruments.
Automate cash flows
Automates the capture, processing and distribution of FX transaction messaging.
Improve operational efficiency
Maximizes STP and eliminates manual processing errors.
Lower cost of transactions
Lowers operating costs and simplifies the settlement process.
CLS services to support your organization
Facilitates business growth
Provides a complete set of integrated settlement services for CLS transactions, derivatives settlement, full third-party suite, netting and non-CLS currencies.

Builds automation of services
Automatically captures, processes and distributes CLS bank notifications to all subscribed parties.

Incorporates CLSNet
Supports all CLS products across global regions.

Quick Insights: Navigating the Fed ISO deadline extension

Start easing your exposure to settlement risk.