#HackToTheFuture2020 or how to make an impact for the better

Hackathons are not new. They have become pretty mainstream over the past few years. Fintechs and financial institutions as well as students, developers and any enthusiasts can join in the fun. Technology helps us innovate and create new solutions to existing challenges. Finastra’s #HackToTheFutrure2020 is a little different from your standard hackathon though. Take a closer look and you will notice a few key differences.
The theme this year is all about #HackingForGood. As the world evolves, underprivileged and silenced voices remain to be heard. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has helped us realize how important digital technology is to stay connected as well as accomplish key tasks, be it at home or at work. The pace of technology isn't slowing down and it's time we all thrive in a digital world.
When I look at our hackathon collaborators, sponsors and partners, I am amazed to see the variety of people, skills and teams that are involved. I am already anticipating some of the truly innovative and ground-breaking ideas and concepts they will generate. While fintech is one of the hottest growth and innovation areas, it feels like we have a real opportunity to make a serious impact and accelerate through change to deliver a better tomorrow.
The 2020 hackathon allows participants to choose among three themes: hacking systemic inequalities, embrace technology-enabled change, and hacking through COVID-19. We are on a mission to redefine finance for good and to make sure nobody is left behind. From building inclusive technology to driving financial inclusion, establishing new ecosystem beyond finance or integrating physical and digital experiences, to finding new growth streams and managing risk in a post-COVID world, we are looking for new and fresh ideas that will embrace our belief that the future of finance is OPEN.
This year, I am very proud to see one of Canada’s largest financial organizations taking part in this hackathon. Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) is taking part to mentor and support the participating teams and to help us assess some of the new ideas being brought to life. We are delighted to have such a great Canadian financial institution partnering with Finastra and we will be rooting for all Canadians participating in our #HackToTheFuture.
So, what are you waiting for? Be a part of what we hope will be the most impactful fintech hackathon ever! Join a global open innovation community — hacking around the clock and around the world! Join a team or create your own. Let’s get #hackingforgood, together.