
Beyond borders: Reaching new markets, improving payments visibility, and lowering costs

Today’s financial world is a global connected economy with an emphasis on reliability and transparency. Financial institutions vying to make cross‑border payments a seamless experience face myriad challenges due to the complexities involved. It is vital to have a cost‑effective and scalable solution that can deliver consistently without compromising security.

The demand for cross-border transactions is increasing all the time and legacy financial institutions are looking for solutions that are scalable, secure, and transparent.

This infographic highlights data from Datos Insights survey report sponsored by Finastra. The information explores critical cross-border payments challenges and topmost priorities for financial institutions as they look to stay relevant with evolving payments landscape.

The infographic also explores the Finastra Visa solution that helps financial institutions penetrate remote markets and leverage Finastra Payments Hubs to deliver a robust and cost-effective cross-border payments experience.

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