
Payments report: Digital Disruption comes to the Corporate Treasury

With the role of corporate treasurers evolving at unprecedented rate what does this mean for the banks that have traditionally served them?

Payments report: Digital Disruption comes to the Corporate Treasury

Default Finastra

This new Finastra report is based on a simple hypothesis: that the growing expectations of corporate treasurers has reached tipping point, and as a result of this banks will need to change their IT strategies, operating models and business models to find new ways to meet customer demand, unlock new revenue opportunities and protect shareholder value.

To test this hypothesis, we quizzed 380 corporate treasurers to understand better the opportunities and challenges they face, how they consume treasury services, and their views on innovation. Our findings make for interesting reading and, we hope, will provide the treasury teams of corporate banks a starting point for building IT strategies that are fit for the future.

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