Real-time payments "The need for speed"
As global instant payments volumes continue to grow, the US is gearing up for its next phase of RTP adoption. Our panel, including the Federal Reserve and The Clearing House, discuss the next key milestones and how you can build your business case to start your own RTP project today.

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The global juggernaut that is real-time payments continues to gather pace. As global RTP volumes continue to grow, the US is gearing up for its next phase of RTP adoption. Our panel, including the Federal Reserve and The Clearing House, discuss the next key milestones and how you can build your business case to start your own RTP project today.
This session features: Dan Gonzalez, Vice President - Director, National and Processor Accounts at The Federal Reserve, Keith Gray, Vice-President of Strategic Partnerships at The Clearing House, and Mihail Duta, Director, Global Solution Consulting, Payments at Finastra.