Bank as a Platform - The Essential Tools for Open Banking and PSD2
Most banks see ‘bank as a platform’ as the best approach to manage, run and scale their participation in the Open Banking world, and many will need an out-of-the-box solution to achieve this. This Efma white paper identifies the challenges they face and discusses the key components and characteristics of a successful banking platform.
Default Finastra
Open Banking is transforming the way banks operate, how they engage with customers, and the products and services they provide. It has become a global phenomenon, supported by regulations such as PSD2 and the UK’s Open Banking initiative, but driven by consumer expectations, business needs and rapid technological development. To gauge the impact of Open Banking on the financial services industry, Efma and Finastra asked senior banking professionals about the challenges and opportunities they see, and the strategies they are putting in place for success. This report brings their insights together.