White Paper

Truth about Skills Based Organisations - Lessons from a Global Fintech

This white paper describes how Finastra went about the journey of becoming a more skills-based organisation. Read more about this pragmatic, employee-centric and business-led approach that accelerated the skills journey.

The question this white paper poses: Getting a grip on skills can unlock enormous opportunity for your company and your people.

But for many HR leaders the effort to become a ‘skills-based organisation’ can seem overwhelming. Are the results worth the effort?

Finastra’s answer: Absolutely yes!

This white paper is here to help demystify how we at Finastra went about the journey of becoming a more skills-based organisation.

Learn about our pragmatic, employee-centric and business-led approach – so you too can accelerate your skills journey.

This white paper is highly recommended for the following individuals:

  • Business or Human Resource leaders who are seeking clarity on the relevance and importance of skills development;
  • Those who are spearheading a skills development initiative within their organization;
  • Individuals who are keen on understanding the realities of transforming into a skills-based organization.

This document was produced in collaboration with Simply, Finastra’s skills data, software and services partner since 2021.

Simply helps major employers to ensure they have the skills to be successful now and for the years ahead. Simply provides global skill and labour market insight, powerful AI software and world-class services to help every company to ‘right-skill’ their workforce. Find out more at www.simplygetresults.com.

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