
Accelerate mortgage closings with automated data entry and processing

Join this webinar and learn how Finastra’s Mortgagebot Workflow Automation solution will revolutionize your loan origination processes.

Image of a woman explaining the data in front of a monitor to other 2 colleagues a woman and a man

Secondary Default Finastra Form

Join Patrick Quast and Chris Fitzpatrick for this webinar and learn how Finastra’s Mortgagebot Workflow Automation solution will revolutionize your loan origination processes.

Paper-intensive loan origination invites risk, can lead to unsatisfactory customer experiences, and is a drag on profitability. Workflow Automation uses sophisticated artificial intelligence and machine learning technology to revolutionize the process so that activities that would currently take hours can be completed in minutes.

Mortgagebot Workflow Automation recognizes and processes virtually any type of pay stub, tax return or other financial reporting document, minimizing manual data entry, re-work and the potential for errors.

Register now to see this cutting-edge solution in action.


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