Currency Exchange International (CXI) is an experienced, customer oriented company specializing in foreign currency exchange and international payments. On a retail level, CXI provides foreign currency exchange for walk-up customers at its company owned branch locations.
For corporate and financial institution customers, CXI provides expert foreign currency exchange and international payment services to more than 1,000 organizations across the US. In Canada, CXI's wholly-owned subsidiary, Exchange Bank of Canada, is Schedule 1 Canadian bank specializing in foreign currency exchange and international payment services for financial institutions and corporate clients.
The management team of CXI is a well-rounded group of experienced international bankers with a mission to be a leading edge international banking group focused on currency exchange by utilizing technology and delivering superior service.
International Payments STP
CXI offers a faster payment and transparent wire processing environment with SWIFT Global Payment Innovation providing access to send payments to more than 200 countries. CXI's client-centric services mean Financial Institutions have full visibility on a competitive yet transparent and tailored services scope and cost model, supported by industry leading standards and proactive relationship services.