Offer clients a Cash Management platform for payables, collections & liquidity

Fully-automated cash pooling functionalities

Complete pooling structures view, flexible reporting via dashboards and multiple download formats.

A complete payables and receivables solution

Real-time payments using virtual or real-time accounts, complete checks for control and enquiry.

Advanced liquidity management

Origination through web, mobile, file uploads and host-to-host.

Virtual account management functionality

Features include negative interest currency, back-dated sweeps, transaction-based sweeping and more.

Fast time to value and quick implementation

Deployable on the cloud or on-premise, for flexibility in going to the market. 

Future-proof Cash Management to deliver value

Expand to the future in a multi-vendor world, with a solution that is open and designed to leverage the ecosystem.

A single platform for Cash Management and Liquidity

Stay compliant and competitive with a depth of functionality, from standard payables and receivables to advanced international liquidity management.

man giving presentation with graphs

Empower clients’ liquidity management

Self-service and onboarding channels with a modern experience.

Deliver value to the market, fast

A ready to deploy, industry-standard solution.

Reduce cost of ownership

Simplify implementation & upgrades via data harmonization.

Innovate fast, stay compliant

Pre-integration open ecosystem for AI fraud detection & more.

The time for better Cash Management is now

A single global cash management solution across business segments, borders and channels.

  • Optimize costs through digitized treasury
  • Future-proof with APIs and microservices
  • Scale with cloud-based cash management
man looking at phone happily

Modern Cash & Liquidity Management solutions help your customers grow


Finastra Cash Management

A single global solution across business segments, borders and channels.

Finastra Virtual Accounts

A smarter way to automatically reconcile receivables, to reduce operational costs.

Finastra Unified Corporate Portal

A single portal for meaningful corporate digital engagement across products and services.

Image of man and woman browsing in their laptop at home

Accelerate and simplify consumer and business loan, mortgage and deposit origination

Symantec - Fusion Multi-Factor Manager

Simplifying multi-factor authentication for banks and their customers.

OneSpan - Fusion Multi-Factor Manager

Simplifying multi-factor authentication for banks and their customers.

Fusion Virtual Accounts

Virtual accounts provide a smarter way to automatically reconcile receivables, to reduce operational costs.

Payment Fraud Prevention

Detect fraudulent transactions in real-time, reduce the number of false positives by 83% and investigation time by 93%

Client success stories

  • Ecobank connects 34 African countries with a inified Cash Management system

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    two people looking at computer

Find out how we can help